1/7-21 MOCA (Museum of Chinese in America) Lunar New Year Museum Makeover
1/7-17 BOMBEvent atPower House Arena
1/8-11 CES showcases more than 4500exhibitings manufac turers, developers, technology hardware, technology delivery systemsfrom 150 countries. owned & produced by the Consumer Technology Association.
1/8-22 China Town & Little Italy Food Festival in NY
1/9-2/4 Ice Hockey at Barclay Center Brooklyn NY
1/13-20 Asian New Year's Lunar Event in China Town
1/13 No Pants Subway Ride
in New York City
1/13-27 Harlem Gospel Choir Competition(Apolo)
1/13-15 NRF Innovation LAB at Jacob Javits CC video
1/18-19 The Zlanth Uste Gold en Fesival at Grand Prospect Hall バルカン地方の伝統ダンス
1/16MartinLutherKingJr Memorial Hollyday 1月の第3月曜/誕生日1/15
アフリカ系アメリカ人の公民権運動を非暴力で主導した, ノーベル平和賞受賞者 キング牧師の栄誉をたたえる ナショナルホリデーです。 キング牧師は1963年8/28のワシントンD.C国会議事堂前で25万人のデモ行進を行いこのときに有名な " I have a dream... " をスピーチしました。 4/4/1968年に39才で暗殺され、以降誕生日の1/15 に追悼礼拝が行われていましたが 1986年に1月第3月曜が法定の休日となりました。 "Do unto others as you would have them do onto you, it's as simple as that.(自分がして欲しいと思うことを他人にもしてあげなさい。ただそれだけのことです)”
1/17-2/5 NYC Atraction Week 2 for 1price -------------------------------- 1/18-21 Outsider Art Fair at Metropolitan Pavilion(125W, 18st(6 & 7Ave) NY 10011)
2/1 Winter Jam in Central Park Rumsey Playfield 11-3pm
2/3-4/28 Concert at Queens Theater in Corona Park
2/3-4 Flamenco Show at
NYC Center 4/28 Latin Dance
2/4-12 New York City Fashion Week
<--- 2/7 Empire State Run Up Race 7:30am~ 1978年から始まった 86階展望台まで1576段
2/6 Bronx Winterfest at St James Recreation Center (530 James Ave, Bronx NY 11-3pm
2/6-4/6 City Skate Concert at Rockefeller Center 1pm-
2/8-11 The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
2/ Lego Art(226W, 44st(7 & 8Ave)NY NY 10036)
2/9 Oscars (Academy Award for Best Picture) 世界3大映画賞(The Palme d'Or / Cannes Film Festiv
2/9 Lunar New YearParade & FestCanal & Mott st 1pm~
2/ Useful Object /B Box 543Union Brooklyn NY 11215
3/6 Coffee Con NY at Industry City(233, 37st, Brooklyn NY 11232) 9am-4pm
3/5-6 The Physics Show The Electra Theater(300W, 43st(8 & 9Ave) NY 10036)
4/18 TechDay at Pier 94 -------------------------------
4/19 New York Festival of Song at Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall (881, 7Ave New York, NY 10019)
4/19 Harlem Sakura Festival in New York
4/21-24 Art Show Over 400
Exhibitors Artists from 20+countries at Pier94
4/21-26 Kadampa Festival at Kadampa Meditation Center (127 W, 24St NY NY 10011)
4/21-22 Fiesta-val Invitation al Music Festival at Lefrak Concert Hall (65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing, NY 11367)
4/22 The Earthday 集まった寄付金はMS(Mutiple Sclerosis
5/1 Sakura Matsuri at Stony Brook University 12-5pm-
5/2 Earth Day Rockaway12-4pm Rockaway Beach (Beach 59st Queens NY 11692 ------------------------------- 5/2 Fire Department Open House New York 市内各所
<--- 5/2 Met Gala Monday
毎年恒例の メトロポリタン美術館に 全米のセレブが集う Met Gala セレモニー !
-------------------------------- 夏 Whitney Museum Event(99 Gansvoort st & 10Ave) --->
<--- 5/5 Urban Wildlife Festival at Highbridge Park(Amsterdam Ave & 172st) 12-3pm
5/5-17 Frieze NY in Randall's Island Park 11-6pm 世界中のギャラリーが集まる Art Fair
5/ ? Spring Handmade Cavalc
ade 19a-5p Slate 21st(5-6Ave)
5/7 Irish Dance Festival(5月第1日曜) Pier I (W 68St) 1pm-7pm
5/7-6/12 Spring Shows Events & Performances
5/7 33rd Annual Dutch Festivalat the Hofstra University 11am-4pm ----------------------------
5/8 Guitar Festivalat Brookfield Place (230Vesey St/ North End & West) 8:30-10pm
5/8-13 Limon Dance Company Free Dance at Bryant Park
5/12 Made in NY Jazz Gala at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center(199 Chambers St(West & Greenwich) NY NY 10007) 7:30pm~
5/13-14 Albany
Tulip Fest Dance
Craft Show、Jazz.
5/14 Taikoza Concert in the Park - Faber Park Field House(2175 Richmond Terrace Staten Island NY 10301) 1-2:30pm
-------------------------------- 5/14-15 Electric Daisy Carnival
5/14,21,28 Brooklyn Bridge Dance Party / Pier1 / 7pm-
-------------------------------- 5/14-15 New York Baby Show- Pier 92(12Ave & 53st) 10a-4p
5/15-20 Flamenco VIVO at BAM Fisher Center
5/15 The NY Cake Show- Marriott Marquis(1535, B'way(45 & 46st) NY 10036) 1-6pm
<--- 5/18-19 The World Fare in Queen's NY at The City Field Over 100 Food Vendors, Beer Garden, Live Music & Dance, International Shopping Pavilion $19 ~
5/19 Dance Parade Festival 1-7pm - 21st & B'way
5/19 Robin's Egg Blue Live 9:30pm- Mercury Rounge - 217E, Houston st(Essex & Ludlow) NY 10002 ----------------------------
5/ ? Turkish Paradde
5/19-20 9Ave International Food Festival42-57st 12-5pm
5/20 & 6/3 Multicultural Dance Festival at Jackie Robinson Park Bandshell 11am-6pm ----------------------------
5/22 Bark Fest NY at Pier 97 (Hudson River(57&58st)2-8pm
5/23-8/13 Shakespeare Fetival
1962年から続く New York 夏の風物詩の1つ, Central Park内にある野外劇場(Delacorte Theater)で2ヶ月以上にわたって開催される Shakespeare の無料の演劇公演(8-10pm)です。 Ticket は劇場横の The Public Theater(Box Office)で1pmより配布。
5/23 Afrodreamfest Live Band Music Concert NYCat Silvana(300W, 116st(Frederic & Manhattan) NY 10026) 7:30pm-
5/23 Master Story Tellers Exhibition at Poe Park Visitor Center 8am-4pm(2640 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10458)
5/27 The Loisaida Festival - Loisaida Ave(Avenue C / 12-6st) NY 10009 ラテンアメリカの音楽や食べ物を楽しむイベント. 12-5pm
5/27 Taiwan Festival at Union Square North 12-5pm
<--- 5/27-28 Czech & Slovak Festival at Bohemian Hall -------------------------------- 5/26-6/3 Washington Square Park Outdoor Festival - Art, Music,,, etc -------->
5/28 Memorial Day(最終 月曜日 / Red-White-Blue)
The Best Farmer's Market in New York City 2021
5/30 Ideas City St Program on Bowery(E Houston Rivington)